The SolergieBox is a smart solar nanogrid that a small group of customers can buy under our consume-to-own model. Our 220V system delivers sustainable power to households and microentrepreneurs in off-grid locations.
Local Production
The SolergieBoxes are produced locally in Togo to create employment and stimulate knowledge transfer.
Smart Solar Nano Grid
A SolergieBox is a solar power system that can be connected to up to 8 different clients, creating a very small electrical grid, or nanogrid. Every client has their own energy meter and is billed based on consumption. The maximum distance between a SolergieBox and a client is around 500m.
SolergieBoxes are connected to our online platform by mobile network. Every day the box sends an SMS with an update of the solar system’s status (battery, invertor, etc.) and individual clients’ consumption. When a customer’s credits are running low, they will receive an SMS informing them of this, along with instructions on how to pay. If the client does not purchase credit, their energy meter will automatically switch off.
The standard system SolergieBox 800 has a maximum power of 800W and an average production of 600Wh per day and includes:
- 2 solar panels of 275Wp each
- 2 batteries of 55Ah
- 1 invertor of 800W – 220V
- 8 energy meters
The SolergieBox is modular and can grow along with the needs of customers. Batteries and solar panels can be added, and invertors can be replaced for bigger ones.
Consume-to-Own Model
Our customers become the owners of their own sustainable power plant, but don’t need to do it all at once. They can buy over a period of time and make payments by mobile, receiving energy with each payment. The more energy they consume the more they pay and the faster they pay for the cost of the system. Once the total amount is paid off the customers become the owners. Daily energy is then released in such a way that the client who has paid the most, receives the most. If for instance someone has paid 15% of the total cost of the system, he or she will receive 15% of the daily available energy.
Target Customers
Solergie customers are people in rural villages without electricity. Our nano-grids are available to both private households and micro-entrepreneurs who want to power their business. In Togo we see micro-entrepreneurs connecting fridges, sewing machines, irrigation pumps, shavers, televisions and more to deliver services to their local communities. This way electricity is no longer a cost, but an income. To help stimulate local entrepreneurship we provide every business with a business plan and can even prefinance certain equipment such as fridges or irrigation pumps.
Unique Selling Proposition
Our Solergie Nano-Grid delivers 220V and can be extended gradually according to clients’ needs. As 220V is the continental standard, every device can be connected, just like in urban areas. And thanks to the modular energy capacity, starting an economic activity becomes possible and affordable even in the most remote communities. As one Togolese told us: “To me, you are God”. He has connected a fridge and television to SolergieBox and is now able to earn a living wage through his mini-cinema.
Solergie Nano-Grids can power devices such as (but not limited to):





Sewing machine
